We further our purposes by engineering programs and developing opportunities that provide assistance (both in kind and monetarily) to the physically, intellectually, and the developmentally disabled and/or to the various other organizations that support these individuals. We are working towards helping the physically and intellectually challenged achieve threefold independence – physical, social and financial. To achieve this goal, our organization will conduct three major categories of activities:
- First, we will provide therapeutic relief to the physically and intellectually handicapped in the poor and underprivileged segments of our society by participating in and organizing free health and wellness camps. At these camps we will solicit the volunteer help of health professionals to offer nutritional and health educational services. At these camps we want to launch awareness programs so as to educate the disabled and their caregivers about maintaining good health, nutrition and hygiene.
- Second, we will build social awareness about the challenges faced by the intellectually and physically handicapped. To this effect we have designed and will maintain this web site which is an online facility offering information on issues pertaining to the intellectually and physically handicapped, sharing knowledge on local, national and international events, and providing a platform for sharing common concerns. This website also identifies the resources that are available to help the disabled. It provides links to and information about services and vocational opportunities offered by other non-profits dedicated to the cause of the handicapped. The intent is also to identify platforms for social interaction for the physically and intellectually challenged children, adults and adolescents. We will provide a network of information, research studies, referrals, and support on issues pertaining to the disabled. Through the website we will establish and promote relationships with other non-profits which have similar objectives so that we can all benefit the disabled. Parents/Caregivers can find publications workshops, and other resources to help make decisions about education, vocational training, employment and other services for their children or for those under their care. Social interaction is at the heart of the human experience. Simple activities that many of us take for granted are significant accomplishments for those with disabilities. To accomplish enhanced independence, self pride, social and behavioral skills, the website aims to promote independence and social interaction. The disabled can gain access to community events, form support groups, build independence and get guidance and find support for independent living.
- Third, we will provide financial assistance to the physically and intellectually disabled by organizing fundraisers and earmark those funds for use by other local, community based, established non-profits like Habitat for Humanity, Doctors Without Borders, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Pride Foundation, Developmental Disabilities Organization, and others who provide vocational opportunities and social training to the handicapped. We conduct fundraisers such as Community Car Washes, Rummage Sales etc. to raise funds that will eventually be disbursed to the organization within our community and beyond who support the handicapped.
- Fourth, we will contribute towards the Global Disability Movement, and work with international agencies and non-profits around the world to promote equal rights for people with disabilities in the international arena. PGHI is partnering with SAMADHAN, and has reached out to the Asian Federation on Intellectual Disabilities (AFID) in their effort to successfully conduct a Disability Conference in New Delhi, India in order to highlight and advocate for the disability issues confronting the entire Asian sub-continent.