Our resource center is in its incipient stages. These resources will be constantly growing and will provide you with all the necessary and valuable information you will need to support the cause of the disabled.

Government Resources

Non-Government Resources For Disabled Veterans

Other Resources




Disability Rights


Other Helpful Websites

Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) works in nearly 70 countries providing medical aid and assistance to populations most in need. They do so irrespective of race, religion, creed or political convictions. Their work is based on the humanitarian principles of medical ethics and impartiality. The organization is committed to bringing quality medical care to people in crisis

For more than 65 years, the mission of Paralyzed Veterans of America has been to change lives and build brighter futures for our seriously injured heroes—to empower these brave men and women with what they need to achieve the things they fought for: freedom and independence. Paralyzed Veterans of America fights for better health care and benefits; aid in the search for a truly satisfying career; and provides the path to adventure through adaptive sports. They are committed to ongoing care by educating clinicians about spinal cord injury, and are deeply invested in the future—a cure for paralysis.

One in five Americans has a disability. Disabilities don’t discriminate. They can be acquired at birth or at any point through injury or illness. Despite their prevalence, more than two-thirds of working age Americans with disabilities are unemployed — many not by choice.

PRIDE provides the support, training and opportunity necessary to help people with disabilities overcome obstacles and find meaningful employment. Their mission is to create jobs for people with disabilities. Their vision is to be the premiere employer of people with disabilities and be recognized as a leader in meeting the needs of individuals in overcoming barriers to employment.

A Touch of Understanding (ATOU) provides disability awareness programs designed to educate a new generation to understand the challenges associated with disabilities and to accept and respect all individuals. ATOU is a nonprofit organization comprised of dedicated individuals, some with disabilities and some without, who come together to form a strong team working to help students look beyond the disability, the wheelchair, the braces, the unpredictable behavior, and see the person. The program is geared toward elementary through high school students. With mainstreaming/full inclusion becoming more prevalent, all students, able-bodied and disabled, recognize their common humanity, desires, and feelings.

AIM HIGHER’s Adult Development Centers serve adults with developmental disabilities at all levels of the ability spectrum. Their mission is to provide the highest quality of care and curriculum delivery to the disabled in an environment that generates a sense of esteem and worth for everyone.

SAMADHAN, a registered non-profit organization set up in 1981 in New Delhi, India, has as its dual purpose the betterment of disregarded communities, specifically children with intellectual disability and their mothers. SAMADHAN’s philosophy is that all persons with intellectual disability can be helped if appropriate and timely services are available. Over the years, it has effectively transferred this philosophy into action and developed a viable model of service delivery linking services for the intellectually disabled, with the needs of their mothers and of the women in the community, using locally available resources and materials.

SAMADHAN has two centers, one in Dakshinpuri in South Delhi and the other in Dwarka, South-West Delhi

YOU can help SAMADHAN by Becoming a Volunteer, Donating/Sponsoring, and Buying their products.

Contact via E-mail: samadhan.dwarka@gmail.com

The aim of the Asian Federation on Intellectual Disabilities (AFID) Conferences is to create a platform for South Asian countries to share and learn from each other, creating a network of mutual support. The 21st AFID Conference will be held at the India Habitat Centre in New Delhi, India from October, 7th through 11th, 2013. The theme of this conference will be “Towards Dignity & Quality of Life – Evolving Individual Capacity with Family & Community Participation”

To support this endeavor, E-mail: afid21india@gmail.com